Statutory Procedures on Social/Labor Insurances
□Statutory Procedures on Social/Labor Insurances
When a business has been incorporated, statutory procedures on social/labor insurances are required. Kawada Management Consulting Office (KMCO) would carry out the procedures promptly on behalf of your company,
using e-Government System(e-Gov)*.
Please contact KMCO at;
*Not all the procedures can be applied via e-Gov.
When a company is established and employs staff, even if the employees are on very short-term-basis contract, they must be covered with the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance System.
Besides, if an employee works on the basis of working conditions of 20 hours/week or more AND supposed to work for 31 days or more, he/she must be covered with the Unemployment Insurance System also.
Furthermore, if the employee works on regular-basis, say, an employee who works for a usual going-concern company for more than 2 months;
the one who works for usual working hours, or
the one who works on short-time-basis, but whose daily (or weekly) working hours AND monthly working days are three-fourths or more;
must be covered with the Social Insurance System (Health Insurance and Welfare Pension Insurance).
(1) 雇用契約
Employment Contract
Working conditions shall comply with the Labor Standards Act and other labor-related laws.
The working hours shall be 8 hours or less per day AND 40 hours or less per week (even though there are some exceptions).
At least the following items in the working conditions shall be clarified and shall be agreed with each other:
Minimum Items to be clarified on the working conditions:
Period of the Contract, Place of Work, Duties, Starting and Finishing Hours of Work, Overtime Work, Break, Non-working Days, Holidays, Salary, Salary Raise*, Retirement/Dismissal, etc.
*Those items above shall be clarified in writing except for Salary Raise.
(2) 三六協定と届出
Labor-Management Agreement based on Article 36 of the Labor Standards Act and its submission to the relevant Labor Standards Office
If the company wants the employees to work overtime or work on non-working days, the company shall conclude beforehand a labor-management agreement with labor-side on the range of applicable employees, the limit of overtime working hours, designation of non-working days on which the employees may be indicated to work, etc. This agreement shall be submitted to the relevant Labor Standards Office.e and update the Rules, and form an effective management system.
(3) 就業規則の作成と届出
Preparation of Rules of Employment and its submission to the relevant Labor Standards Office
When the number of employees reaches to 10 or more regularly at a workplace of the company, Rules of Employment shall be prepared and submitted to the relevant Labor Standards Office with the opinion of the representative of the employees attached.
When the company has revised the Rules of Employment, the same procedures shall be taken.
Absolutely Required Items in the Rules of Employment:
Starting and Finishing Hours of Work, Break, Non-working Days, Holidays, Salary, Salary Raise, Retirement/Dismissal, etc.
(4) その他、労働安全衛生法、育児介護休業法など遵守すべき労働関係法があります。
Other than the Labor Standards Act, various labor-related laws shall be observed such as Industrial Safety and Health Act, Act on the Welfare of Workers Who Take Care of Children or Other Family Members Including Child Care and Family Care Leave, etc.
As these laws are often revised, extra care shall be exerted for the revision, and if necessary, the Rules of Employment shall also be revised accordingly.
Furthermore, since such care as to protect employees from labor-related accident or sickness is obigatory to the company, the company is recommended to prepare the Rules of Employment at an early stag
1. 反復継続して派遣就業するものであること。
2. 1週間の所定労働時間が20時間以上であること。