After being graduated from Chuo University(Faculty
of Science & Technolgy),worked for an electric products
manufacturer, etc., mainly engaged in;
Planning & carrying out international business alliances
including various collaboration agreements
mainly with Asian companies.
Survey on overseas rules, regulations/technical standards
regarding product technology for local customization.
Planning internal systems based on a compliance program
on export control in accordance with
the Export Trade Control Order of Japan.
Assisting company's employment /labor management
in compliance with the latest relevant laws/regulations.
Drafting Rules of Employment(both in Japanese & English)
and other relevant documents in compliance with
the Labor Standard Laws and relevant regulations of Japan,
and company's present situations.
Dealing with Procedures on Social and Labor Insurances
acting for companies.
Application for subsidies on employment.
Consulting on foreign people's residential status
and application of those (working VISA & others,
including permanent resident) to the Immigration Bureau.
Consulting on the establishment of companies/branch offices.
Consulting on Privacy-Mark Accreditation aquisition,
the basis of which is a compliance program
based on JIS Q 15001:2006, the Personal Information
Protection Laws and relevant regulations.
Consulting on Management System to comply with
Personal Information Protection Law, etc.
*Director, Global Development & Management Consultants Inc.