In recent years, the requirements and documents required for applying for a permanent residence permit have been clarified in considerable detail on the website of the Immigration Services Agency of Japan.
So many foreign people may say, "I can do it alone!"
But still, you'll find the following information useful for preparation.
Scope of Responsibilities of Guarantors
Documents on Social Insurances
Revocation of Permanent Residence Permit
"Score-System" Adopted in Permanent Resident Qualification
The Ministry of Justice of Japan has decided to adopt "Score-System"(point accumulating system) in Permanent Resident qualification in April.
In this system, if the non-Japanese person obtains 70 points or more, he/she is qualified as "Highly-graded Person". These points are accumulated item by item such as his/her educational background, professional experiences in years, income, etc.
If approved as a "Highly-graded Person" with above a certain level income, he/she becomes capable of obtaining Permanent Residential Status with at least 5 years continuous stay in Japan, although, in princple, to obtain the status requires continuous stay of not less than 10 years in most cases.
Besides this, it was reported that following advantages will be given:
Permanent Resident/Permission for Permanent Residence
Permission for permanent residence is granted only when a foreign national with a residential status wishes to change it to permanent resident and the Minister of Justice of Japan considers that his/her conditions of staying is suitable for the status. So this is one of applications for change of residential statuses.
Obtaining permission for permanent residence, the foreign national has no restriction in selecting jobs and in the period of stay.
However, it is necessary to obtain re-entry permission for re-entry after leaving Japan temporarily, even after the foreign nationals has obtained the permission for a permanent resident.
An independent clause is provided for permanent residency, apart from change of general residential statuses.
The requirements for the permission are stipulated in Article 22 of the Immigration Cotrol Act. However, there are detailed criteria, such as "General Principle" and others, which are shown in the following:
A Spouse or a child of Japanese, permanent resident(s) or specific permanent resident(s) ?
(i) 素行が善良であること。
(ii) 独立の生計を営むに足りる資産又は技能を有すること。
(i) Being a good citizen (e.g. paying taxes, no record on criminal cases, etc.).
(ii) Having acquired skills or assets to make a living independently.
Not necessary to fulfill the conditions of (i) and (ii) above.
Only when the Minister of Justice approves that the permanent residence of the applicant will be able to meet the benefit of Japan, the application for permanent residence will be approved (at the discretion of the Minister of Justice).
(iii) 10年以上継続して在留している者(一般原則)
(iii) Having lived in Japan for more than 10 years continuously.
(iv) 日本人、永住者又は特別永住者の配偶者又は実子若しくは特別養子の場合:
(iv) For a Spouse or a child (including specific adopted childs) of Japanese,
permanent resident(s) or specific permanent resident(s):
◎配偶者 → 婚姻後3年以上在留(海外において婚姻・同居歴がある場合は、婚姻後3年経過し、かつ日本に1年以上在留
◎Spouse → Having lived in Japan for three years or more continuously after the marriage. If the marriage was taken place abroad and the married couple
has some period of living together, at least three years have elapsed and the couple has lived in Japan for one year or more continuously.
◎実子又は特別養子の場合 → 引き続き1年以上在留
◎Child → Having lived in Japan for one year or more continuously.
(v) 難民の認定を受けている者 → 引続き5年以上在留
(v) For the people approved by Japan Government as "refugee", having lived
in Japan for five years or more continuously is required.
(vi) インドシナ定住難民 → 引続き5年以上在留
(vi) For "long-term-resident refugees from Indo-China", having lived in Japan for five years or more continuously is required.
(vii) 定住者の在留資格を有する者 → 定住許可後、引続き5年以上在留
(vii) For the people with a status of "long-term resident", having lived in Japan for five years or more continuously after the permission of "long-term
(viii) 外交、社会、教育、文化等の分野における日本への貢献があると認められる者 → 引き続き5年以上在留
(viii) For the people who can be considered that he/she has made contributions on diplomacy, social activities, education, culture, etc. to Japan, having lived in Japan for 5 years or more continuously.
(ix) 現在の在留資格について、入管法施行規則別表第二に規定されている最長の在留期間をもって在留していること。(例:人文知識・国際業務 3年)
(ix) Staying with a residential status of the longest period stipulated in the Immigration Control Act Enforcement Regulations (e.g. 3 years for Specialist in Humanities/International Services).
(x) 公衆衛生上の観点から有害となるおそれがないこと。
(x) In no harmful conditions in health, seeing from public health.
Total Judgement on the conditions of staying by the Minister of Justice